He Was In The Way
This song was spawned from scenes from two dreams. One dream includes a staggering moment of clarity. As I exit my rural New Hampshire town’s Grange Hall, I look down the hill, across the field towards the house I grew up in. The long grass in the field was striking in that it was brightly multi-colored. Maybe a foot to 18 inches tall. As I looked across the psychedelic grass towards my home, I was thunderstruck by the sudden realization that I am a fool and a liar.
This realization was so powerful that it seemed to cross from the dream world into reality. It was disturbing, but strangely comforting, to become aware of this fault. In an unrelated dream, I am being chased by some soldiers, maybe Roman soldiers. I am across a river from them and they are shooting cross-bows at me. At first, they are not aiming well, but they quickly start to become more accurate and I have to hide in a small space covered with a piece of corrugated aluminum, and I can hear the crossbow bolts raining down on the thin noisy metal just above me.
These dream scenes are glued together by fatigue and despair resulting from the increasing dearth of dignity and decency I see about me.
The doc said truth didn’t survive
No one seemed surprised
It was crash dive, kid
It was in the way
Mendacity wins every day
Crossbow bolts from across the bay,
Trees don’t die of old age, kid
Looks like--you’re in the way
Rocket hit the moon, saw the debris
Dudes on the hill are bleedin’ out chi
It’s a shock to discover
You’re a fool and a liar
Muscleman…got ff the rope
He don’t know what he don’t know
I got the ambient dread kid …..talkin to me
The captain said we leave today
Feels like we’re underway
Somethin’ aint right mate
It’s a lookin’ pretty grey
Hey man, tell him to let it go
He don’t know what he don’t know
He got spiders in his brain kid
You are prey