Able Archer
Able Archer was an annual NATO exercise intended to simulate a quick nuclear threat escalation, culminating in a simulated DEFCON1 coordinated nuclear attack. In 1983, the Soviet Union became very suspicious that this exercise was a cover-up for an actual first strike. They dispatched a spy to West Berlin to ascertain if the West was indeed planning such a first strike. The spy reported that no such strike was planned, but one of his superiors purposefully sent the wrong message up the chain, and as a result, eleven Soviet nuclear missiles were actually fueled and ready to launch. This song was inspired by the excellent TV series called Deutschland 83. I recommend it.
spat' spokoyno (russian trans. - sleep peacefully)
luk i strela (russian trans. - bow & arrow)
Pack a lunch
Gas up the rocket
Launch key around your neck
Mister Radar tell me the truth
Mah Mah Ahh ha
Oleg and me depend on you
Radio silence
ya drouzhu (russian trans. - i quiver)
Able Archer
Ah ah
Under fire
ya drouzhu (russian trans. - i quiver)
Radio, Radio Silence
Radio Silence
No indication
Milky fog of miss-communication
Oleg says he can’t remember
Here comes the flash
There ain’t no ember
Radio silence
ya drouzhu (russian trans. - i quiver)
Tishina (russian trans. - silence)
Able Archer
Ah ah
Under fire
ya drouzhu (russian trans. - i quiver)
Ah Ha
Radio, Radio Silence
Musica ata azure
Early signs of hostile action
In the dark no satisfaction
Bad intel and paranoia
Not sure
Pack a lunch
Gas up the rocket
Launch key around your neck
Mister Radar tell me the truth
Oleg and me depend on you